torsdag den 20. december 2012
If you like it, then you should have put a bow on it
Wow those caviar-beads are way to small to co-operate with! But it succeeded anyways and this is the outcome! I must admit that I really like this art, because its really cute for christmas, but its not too much, and you can choose any colors and beads to match any outfit - not even in christmas! I usually don't explain how I made my nails (and its not because I want the secrets for my self or anything alike - you can always ask!) but to do this design, you must do one nail at a time.
At first you lay the base color (in this case LP 'Blue Night Star' ) and then you can (with a thin pencil) draw the bow really simple, but so the colors in the bigger areas aren't transparent. The lines doesn't have to be straight or perfect in any way, cause thats when you use the beads! Now use your thin pencil and lay your polish where the beads should be. The other polish has to be dry, so the beads won't stick anywhere but where the wet polish is. Then you place the beads with your fingers one at the time. You can't just lay the wet paint on all nails and think you can place all the beads on all of the nails, before the last one dries. The result will look like this, and to make it stay, use your topcoat to keep them in place. Your beads will might loose color when you lay the topcoat, but instead of running pass the beads with your pencil, place the topcoats with placing small dots of topcoat on the beads till it covers, cause then you wont drag the color off! Good luck and lots of patience
- Agnes!
Wow de caviar-kugler var alt for små til at samarbejde med! Men tilsidst lykkedes det, og her er resultatet! Jeg må indrømme at jeg virkelig kan lide de her, fordi det er virkelig søde op til jul, men de er ikke for meget, og man kan vælge hvilke som helst farver og kugler, så det kan matche ethvert outfit - ikke kun til jul! Normalt forklarer jeg ikke hvordan jeg lavede mine negle (og det er ikke fordi jeg vil beholde hemmelighederne for mig selv eller noget derhen af - du kan altid spørge!) men for at lave dette design, må du lave en negl af gangen.
Først lægger du grundfarven (i dette tilfælde LP 'Blue Night Star') og så tegner du (med en tynd pensel) en simpel sløjfe, men stadig så farven dækker de større 'arealer' (båndende og selve sløjfen). Linierne behøver ikke være lige eller perfekte på nogen måde, for det er her du bruger kuglerne! Brug nu den tynde pensel til at lægge lakken hvor kuglerne skal være. Det andet lak skal være tørt, så kuglerne ikke sætter sig andre steder end på den stribe våde lak du har lagt. Derefter placerer du kuglerne med fingrene én ad gangen. Du kan ikke bare lægge den våde maling på alle neglene og tro at alle kuglerne kan nå at placeres før den sidste negl tørrer. Resultatet vil se sådan ud, og for at få dem til at blive, brug din topcoat for at holde dem på plads. Kuglerne vil måske miste farve når du lægger topcoaten (mine gjorde), så istedet for at trække lakken over kuglerne, læg den i små dråber, og dup det ovenpå, til lakken dækker, for så trækkes farven ikke af! Lykke til -og masser af tålmodighed! Og glem ikke julemusikken i baggrunden!
christmas nails,
tirsdag den 18. december 2012
Rudolf and his companions...
Åh julen... De første julenegle i rækken er malet, og jeg glæder mig til at vise mine små rensdyr frem til alle! Der er mange der har lavet et lignende design, men jeg er nu godt tilfreds med disse! Åh jeg glæder mig til at bruge mit eget kamera igen! Denne gang måtte I nøjes med et webcam-billede, men en oplader til mit kamera er sat på ønskelisten, så jeg krydser fingre!
christmas nails,
onsdag den 5. december 2012
Circuit Boards!
Yesterday I made a challenge by my boyfriend... He had seen a picture on 9gag, posted it on my wall, and here is the result! Before I started, I googled 'circuit board' and found some other inspiration which I think looks better and then I wouldn't copy her design :) With the right colors and a thin brush it was a easy design, and I bet you can impress a couple of guys too ;) If the ends of the green lines are hard to paint with a brush, I can recommend a dottinng-tool :)
Igår lavede jeg min udfordring, som jeg denne gang fik af min kæreste... han havde set et billede på 9gag, slog det op på min væg, og her er resultatet! Før jeg startede googlede jeg 'circuit board' (system bræt) og fandt noget andet inspiration som jeg synes ser bedre ud og så jeg ikke endte med at kopiere hendes design :) Med de rigtige farver og en tynd pensel var det et nemt design, og jeg er sikker på man kan imponere en del drenge også ;) Hvis enderne af de grønne bindinger er svære at lave med pensel, kan jeg anbefale et dotting-tool :)
mandag den 3. december 2012
Remember Moomin?
Kan du huske Mumi?
Så er billedet ordnet, som jeg tog i tirsdags! Gad vide hvad Mumi-trolde hedder på engelsk? Og om de overhovedet findes worldwide, for det er jo af finsk oprindelse... Nå, her er de i hvert fald!
Jeg har ikke lagt nogen baggrund bag dem, det kunne jeg måske have gjort med en lækker blå farve... Jeg bøvlede lidt med topcoaten, som tværede det sorte ud, så det skulle der lige rettes op på med en hvid. Men hvad synes I?
Do you remember Moomin?
Here is the final edited photo of the nails I made tuesday. I didn't know if the moomins were worldwide... since they are from Finland, I only thought they were here in the Scandinavia. I haven't given them any background, maybe it should have been blue instead of my natural nails...
But what do you think? These are especially dedicated to my friends in Finland, Marju & Arttu, who I met in Malaga, last year - I miss you guys! I googled Moomin, and found these cute drawings... I love Moomin and Sniff!
Comic nails,
tirsdag den 27. november 2012
Friday I was at my school's big birthday party and for the occasion, I tried some nail wraps/small rhinestones from essence. They are fantastic! I've worn them for 4 days, without loosing one single stone, and when I took the wraps off, to make todays TuesdayChallenge, the wraps remained intact, so with help from a nailglue, the wraps are as good as new - fantastic!
I fredags var jeg til min skoles store fødselsdagsfest og til lejligheden, prøvede jeg nogle nail wraps med små similisten fra essence. De er fantastiske! Jeg har haft dem på i 4 dage nu, uden at miste en eneste, og nu da jeg lige har taget dem af, for at lave min TuesdayChallenge, forblev 'klistermærkerne' intakte! Så med lidt hjælp fra en neglelim er mine nail wraps så gode som nye! Hvor er det skønt! :)
I fredags var jeg til min skoles store fødselsdagsfest og til lejligheden, prøvede jeg nogle nail wraps med små similisten fra essence. De er fantastiske! Jeg har haft dem på i 4 dage nu, uden at miste en eneste, og nu da jeg lige har taget dem af, for at lave min TuesdayChallenge, forblev 'klistermærkerne' intakte! Så med lidt hjælp fra en neglelim er mine nail wraps så gode som nye! Hvor er det skønt! :)
tirsdag den 20. november 2012
Guess the princess!
Today I've started on the challenge - disney princesses. Here is the start with the basic colors, and this is how it looks every time I make my nail art, first the basics with the big brushes, and afterwards correcting and then perfecting ;) I've only made it to the basics, but I'll finish it in school :)
Done! Here are the finishes:
Done! Here are the finishes:
fredag den 16. november 2012
Cuboid nails in London
Finally I borrowed a good camera! Actually better than my own. Now I can take fantastic pictures thanks to my dear friend Line :-) Actually the main reason is that I've travelled to London this weekend, and I just can't be here without a camera! Right now I'm at the fanciest hotel 5 minutes from London Eye! My boyfriend is sleeping, so I have the time to write a post, and then I'll wake him up and take him to the christmas market!
Yesterday I used my first pack of nail art wraps (10 of them out of 20 in each pack) from models own! I've before used wraps from Essence and Urban Outfitters which are both really great with extreme hold (and especially Essence's studio nail fashion sticker is also really cheap and therefore recommended! -I'll make a review some other day). But today it's about Models Own's Nail Art Wraps I bought on their website when they had 50% off :D I bought 2x cuboid and 1x POW! (and 6 polishes). Of course they look great! I love the mix of gold, silver and black, so everything can match (as an example, it matches the city life perfectly!).
But as you might see in the picture, they are already damaged on 2nd day (this is way to fast compared to the others I've had which also looked great in the 2nd week!). It is because of the foil. These stickers have a black base, with a tiny layer of silver and gold foil on it, and this can easily be scratched off.. I tried to put a layer of topcoat on it, but this made the foil crumble, and (in my opinion) ruined it... I only have topcoat on the right hand to see the difference, and the right hand is worse. Here is more foil disappeared but at least its plane where the gold is... I'm happy I bought two packs so I can find out a way to get them to stay longer without the foil crumbles... But I'll keep them the rest of this weekend and admire them as long as I can!
Yesterday I used my first pack of nail art wraps (10 of them out of 20 in each pack) from models own! I've before used wraps from Essence and Urban Outfitters which are both really great with extreme hold (and especially Essence's studio nail fashion sticker is also really cheap and therefore recommended! -I'll make a review some other day). But today it's about Models Own's Nail Art Wraps I bought on their website when they had 50% off :D I bought 2x cuboid and 1x POW! (and 6 polishes). Of course they look great! I love the mix of gold, silver and black, so everything can match (as an example, it matches the city life perfectly!).
But as you might see in the picture, they are already damaged on 2nd day (this is way to fast compared to the others I've had which also looked great in the 2nd week!). It is because of the foil. These stickers have a black base, with a tiny layer of silver and gold foil on it, and this can easily be scratched off.. I tried to put a layer of topcoat on it, but this made the foil crumble, and (in my opinion) ruined it... I only have topcoat on the right hand to see the difference, and the right hand is worse. Here is more foil disappeared but at least its plane where the gold is... I'm happy I bought two packs so I can find out a way to get them to stay longer without the foil crumbles... But I'll keep them the rest of this weekend and admire them as long as I can!
onsdag den 14. november 2012
Red Bull Nails - TuesdayChallenge
Her er det endelige resultat! Måske lidt overdrevent og KAPOW-agtigt... Men det er jo også en energidrik :-)
På min pege- og lille finger er symbolet med de to tyre. På langefingeren er der én tyr tæt på, ring fingeren har jeg skrevet 'Red Bull' på og min tommelfinger har vinger, for ja.. drikken giver dig jo vinger ;-) I min værktøjskasse med neglelakker fandt jeg en lyseblå striper, som jeg ikke før har brugt, og den var perfekt til jobbet! Jeg overvejer at poste et billede på 9gag, hvor der står 'I rarely drink Red Bull... But when I do, my nails need to match!' :-P
Here is the final result! It might be a bit too KAPOW-ish... But then again, it is an energy drink!
On my index finger and little finger is the symbol with the two bulls, on the middle finger is one bull up close, the ring finger I've written Red Bull and on my thumb is a set of wings, because... well.. it gives you wings, right? In my toolbox with polishes, I found a light blue striper, which was perfect for the job, and I had never used it until now :) I'm considering to post a photo on 9gag saying 'I rarely drink Red Bull... but when I do, my nails need to match!'
Today (November the 14th) is a blue mani-day to help raise awareness of diabetes! I think my nails could match this event, even though i is an energy drink... But this is the light blue design and it is red Bull light -without sugar ;-) Check out Ninja Polish on Facebook, where there will be more pictures of blue nails today :D
tirsdag den 6. november 2012
Batman nails! -TuesdayChallenge
I had a bussy day today, but I made it! This was really simple, and when I get time (and the right camera) I will make you a DIY guide :-) Here are some photos taken from my best friends computer. Now I'll go to bed with the TV turned on so I can watch the selection untill I fall aspleep! Goodnight :-) I hope the nails wont sting my friend while I sleep...
Comic nails,
søndag den 4. november 2012
Jack Skellington
Jeg fandt fik endelig taget et godt billede (fra min veninde Cecilies iPhone). Nu tør jeg tage lakken af, da jeg nu har fået ét billede af det... Glæd jer til på tirsdag, hvor jeg vil lave batman-negle! Altså negle med flagermus-ører. Dette er før set hvor det er lavet med falske negle, men jeg tester en metode så de ikke bliver så skarpe (da det nogle gange sker at jeg kradser folk med mine negle...). Metoden vil være bedre for neglene, fordi de ikke vil blive skadede under, og så er det også meget nemmere at fjerne igen. Men idag vil jeg bare lægge min nye Orly-lak på venstre hånd når Jack er væk, for jeg har den allerede på højre, og det ser fantastisk ud!
I finally got a great shot (from my friend Cecilie's iPhone). Now i dare to take off the polish when I had one good shoot... Look forward to tuesday, when I'll make batman-nails! -Nails with bat-ears. This is seen before on fake nails such as gel or acrylic nails, but I'll test an method where they won't be so sharp (because it often happens that I scratch people with my nails...). This method will be better to your nails because it won't damage them and it is easier to take of as well. But today I'll lay my new Orly-laquer on left hand when Jack's gone, because I already wear it on the right, and it looks amazing!
I finally got a great shot (from my friend Cecilie's iPhone). Now i dare to take off the polish when I had one good shoot... Look forward to tuesday, when I'll make batman-nails! -Nails with bat-ears. This is seen before on fake nails such as gel or acrylic nails, but I'll test an method where they won't be so sharp (because it often happens that I scratch people with my nails...). This method will be better to your nails because it won't damage them and it is easier to take of as well. But today I'll lay my new Orly-laquer on left hand when Jack's gone, because I already wear it on the right, and it looks amazing!
Jack Skellington,
tirsdag den 30. oktober 2012
Tuesday challenge - Jack 'The night before christmas'
Så er jeg endelig færdig med min kære Jack! Jeg er ret tilfreds med det færdige resultat, selvom jeg bøvlede lidt med tapen for at have helt runde hoveder -det færdiggjorde jeg i hånden :-)
Jeg brugte Essies 'Blanc' og Models Owns duocrome 'Purple Blue' fra beetlejuice-kollektionen.
Ligenu er jeg på arbejde, men jeg vil erstatte billedet med et bedre når jeg finder opladeren til vores spejlrefleks kamera :-) Jeg syntes også lige I skulle se det seje græskar vi skar igår!
I finally finished my beloved Jack! I'm quite satisfied with the outcome, even though I struggled a bit with the tape to make his head. I used 'Blanc' from Essie and Models Own's duocrome 'Purple Blue'. Right now I am at work but I'll replace the photo with a better when I find the charger for my camera :-)
I also think you should see this awesome pumpkin we cut yesterday!
Jeg brugte Essies 'Blanc' og Models Owns duocrome 'Purple Blue' fra beetlejuice-kollektionen.
Ligenu er jeg på arbejde, men jeg vil erstatte billedet med et bedre når jeg finder opladeren til vores spejlrefleks kamera :-) Jeg syntes også lige I skulle se det seje græskar vi skar igår!
I finally finished my beloved Jack! I'm quite satisfied with the outcome, even though I struggled a bit with the tape to make his head. I used 'Blanc' from Essie and Models Own's duocrome 'Purple Blue'. Right now I am at work but I'll replace the photo with a better when I find the charger for my camera :-)
I also think you should see this awesome pumpkin we cut yesterday!
Jack Skellington,
Glowing halloween nails
Jeg giver jer lige hurtigt et billede af mine negle jeg har haft et par dage nu, men som jeg fjerner idag for at lave mine 'The Night Before Christmas/Jack Skellington'-negle! Jeg ville gerne have lavet mere ud af dem, men jeg må bare forsøge med mine selvlysende lakker en anden gang. Jeg prøvede at tage et billede i mørke, men det kunne jeg ikke finde ud af med mit kamera... øv altså. Men de 4 forskelligtfarvede lakker her lyser alle den samme farve i mørke, nemlig en hvid/lysegul som virkelig skinner igennem. Det er skønt at ligge i mørket i sin seng og kigge på neglene som lyser op. Især spindelvævet og edderkoppens silhuet ses flot, fordi baggrunden jo kun er selvlysende! Frankenstein-monsteret ser også meget sød ud :-)
I'll quickly give you a picture of the nails I've had for a couple of days now, which I'll remove today to make my 'The Night Before Christmas/Jack Skellington'-nails! I wanted to make my nails more detailed but I guess I could try the radiant polishes some other time. I tried to take a picture in the dark, but I couldn't figure out the camera... sucks. But the 4 different colors here all light up in the same color in the dark in a write/light yellow color which really shines through. It is fantastic to lie in the bed in the dark just to look at my nails lighting up. Especially the silhouette of the spiderweb and the spider is clearly seen, because only the background is glowing! The frankenstein-monster also looks cute :-)
I'll quickly give you a picture of the nails I've had for a couple of days now, which I'll remove today to make my 'The Night Before Christmas/Jack Skellington'-nails! I wanted to make my nails more detailed but I guess I could try the radiant polishes some other time. I tried to take a picture in the dark, but I couldn't figure out the camera... sucks. But the 4 different colors here all light up in the same color in the dark in a write/light yellow color which really shines through. It is fantastic to lie in the bed in the dark just to look at my nails lighting up. Especially the silhouette of the spiderweb and the spider is clearly seen, because only the background is glowing! The frankenstein-monster also looks cute :-)
mandag den 29. oktober 2012
Horror in all its honor. Different designs from last year
Idag vil jeg gerne dele min halloween-negle fra sidste år, som optakt til i år, hvor jeg har taget mine designs et skridt videre. Disse lavede jeg til en gyser-aften hos en veninde fra klassen, og bare for at blære mig lidt med mine nye stripes som kunne lave smukke spindelvæv og blodpletter! Til halloween nyder jeg at lave forskellige designs til hver negl, fordi der er så meget omkring halloween der inspirerer mig.
Idag efter skole skal jeg skære græskar med min kæreste, så jeg kan nok bruge det som baggrund til min TuesdayChallenge som bliver endnu en halloween-manicure med Jack fra 'The nightmare before christmas' som jeg ser rigtig meget frem til! Og så skal jeg da også have vist min nuværende manicure som er nogle af de designs der ses her, men med selvlysende lakker bag! :-)
Today I want to share my halloween-nails from last year as a warm-up to this year, where I've taken my designs a step further. I made these to a horror-night at my classmate but also just to show off my new stripes which could make beautiful spider-webs and bloodstains! For halloween I enjoy making different designs on each nail, because there are so many things at halloween that inspires me.
Im going to cut pumpkins today after school with my boyfriend, and then I think I can use it as background to my TuesdayChallenge, which will be another halloween-manicure with Jack from 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' which I'm really looking forward to! And I should also show my current manicure which is some of the designs you see here, but with radiant polish under as a base! :-)
Idag efter skole skal jeg skære græskar med min kæreste, så jeg kan nok bruge det som baggrund til min TuesdayChallenge som bliver endnu en halloween-manicure med Jack fra 'The nightmare before christmas' som jeg ser rigtig meget frem til! Og så skal jeg da også have vist min nuværende manicure som er nogle af de designs der ses her, men med selvlysende lakker bag! :-)
Today I want to share my halloween-nails from last year as a warm-up to this year, where I've taken my designs a step further. I made these to a horror-night at my classmate but also just to show off my new stripes which could make beautiful spider-webs and bloodstains! For halloween I enjoy making different designs on each nail, because there are so many things at halloween that inspires me.
Im going to cut pumpkins today after school with my boyfriend, and then I think I can use it as background to my TuesdayChallenge, which will be another halloween-manicure with Jack from 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' which I'm really looking forward to! And I should also show my current manicure which is some of the designs you see here, but with radiant polish under as a base! :-)
lørdag den 27. oktober 2012
Nowhere but UP
'Op' er helt klart en af mine yndlings animationsfilm, og fortjener selvfølgelig sit eget negledesign! Jeg har valgt at lave huset og ballonerne på hver sin negl, for jeg synes det fortjener mere plads! Jeg havde tænkt mig at lave spejder drengen Robert (på engelsk Russell) hængende i 3-4 balloner på pegefingeren, men dette blev desværre aldrig til noget pga for lidt tid. Derfor nåede jeg også kun at tage et billede på min macbooks webcam i skoletiden. Men vil meget gerne prøve igen, og så skal han nok komme med!
'Up' is defiantly one of my favorite animation-films, and deserves of course its own nail design! I've chosen to make the house and the balloons on separate nails, because I think I deserves more space. I wanted to do the young wilderness explorer Russell hanging in 3 or 4 balloons on my index finger, but unfortunately this never happened because I didn't have time for it. Which is also why I only got to take a snapshot on my macbook in class. But I really want to try again, and then I promise he will be there!
fredag den 26. oktober 2012
Doo-Be Doo Be Do Ba! Perry the platypus!
Jeg starter åbningen af min negleblog med et brag! Det kan ikke gøres bedre end med min yndlings superhelt (og must-have-kæledyret), næbdyret Perry! Jeg har længe villet have en blog men været bange for ikke at gøre det tit og grundigt nok til jeg vil få nogle seertal overhovedet. Men med Perrys hjælp, håber jeg det går :-)
Jeg startede blidt ud med en side på facebook (Agnes Negle Design) for at prøve at lave det til en form for mindre indtægt ved at lave nail art til fester, konfirmationer mv. Dette gik helt i vasken, for det eneste de vil have er falske negle med fransk manicure, og selvom jeg har et UV-lampe og meget godt grej, er det ikke det job jeg havde håbet på.
Konceptet med min side, som jeg håber vil gøre den attraktiv, er at jeg tager imod challenges i form af billeder af andre negle, tegneseriefigurer, temaer eller noget helt 4. Jeg finder selvfølgelig også på eget design eller egen inspiration, men det kunne være fedt at finde ud af om challenge-konceptet kunne startes op. Dette sker tirsdag: TuesdayChallenge! Jeg vil skrive på både dansk og engelsk, for at dele det med en større part af verden :-) Nyd Perrys temasang længere nede på indlægget!
I'm starting the opening of my new nailblog with a bang! This can't be done better than with my favorite superhero (and must-have-pet), Perry the platypus! For a long time now Iv'e wanted to make a blog, but I have been afraid not to do it often or well enough to get any viewers at all. But I hope Perry will help me :-)
I started out with a site on facebook (Agnes Nail Design) to try to make some kind of income by making nail art for parties, danish 'confirmations' etc. This failed, because all people wanted was false nails with french manicure, and even though I own a UV-lamp and other good tools,this wasn't the job I expected.
The concept of my side, which I hope will make it attractive, is that I take challenges in shape of pictures of already made nail art, action figures, themes etc. I'll of course make up my own design and inspiration, but it would be sweet to start up the challenge-concept. This happens every tuesday: TuesdayChallenge! I'm actually from Denmark, but I'll write on danish and english, to share my blog with a bigger part of the world :-)
Enjoy the wonderful theme song below!
Comic nails,
Perry the platypus
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